
What's in the Pandora Papers?

Episode Summary

In the second episode of Calling, host Aleksandar Brezar talks to OCCRP's Aubrey Belford about the Pandora Papers, the biggest leak of financial documents ever, and its implications for world leaders.

Episode Notes

Earlier in October, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) began releasing information gathered from the Pandora Papers, the largest leak of financial documents ever made available to journalists. It exposed the secret offshore accounts of hundreds of current and former world leaders, billionaires, and assorted celebrities. A whopping 11,9 million documents examined by more than 600 journalists from around the world are proof of unprecedented financial secrecy.

The list of those who kept their money outside of the country they earned it includes former British prime minister Tony Blair, Montenegrin president Milo Đukanović, family members of former Argentine president Mauricio Macri, Czech prime minister Andrej Babiš and the prime minister of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, among others.

Aubrey Belford, an investigative journalist and editor with the OCCRP who worked on unpacking the Pandora Papers leak, answers our call.

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